BAB I PENDAHULUAN   A.     Latar Belakang Di dalam perpustakaan ekonomi dikenal istilah konsumen akhir dan konsumen antara. Konsumen akhir adalah penggunaan atau pemanfaatan akhir dari suatu produk, sedangkan konsumen antara adalah konsumen yang menggunakan suatu produk  sebagai bagian dari proses produksi suatu produk lainnya. Oleh karena itu, pengertian yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 adalah konsumen akhir. Pelaku usaha merupakan orang atau lembaga yang berbentuk badan hukum maupun bukan badan hukum yang didirikan dan berkedudukan atau melakukan kegiatan dalam wilayah hukum Negara  Republik Indonesia, baik sendiri maupun bersama-sama melalui perjanjian menyelenggarakan kegiatan usaha dalam berbagai bidang ekonomi. Dengan demikian, pelaku usaha yang termasuk dalam pengertian ini ialah perusahaan koperasi, BUMN, koperasi, importir, pedagang, distributor, dan lain-lain. [1]   B.      Rumusan ...



Disusun Guna  Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu : Devy Angga, S.Pd, M.Hum

Disusun Oleh :
1.      Ervin Winanto                        B.231.16.0448
2.      Anisatul Muawanah               B.231.16.0486
3.      Muhammad Riza Fahlevi      B.231.16.0487                       
4.      Tri Wahyuni                           B.231.16.0509


Quetion Task 1 :

Model answer
      The table illustrates the number of native speakers of six languages as well as the number of speakers of these languages as an additional language. It is noticeable that the number of speakers of Mandarin Chinese is strikingly higher than the other languages with over one billion speakers.
Kalimat Tunggal. Simple Present Tense. as well as adl Expression atau Ungkapan-ungkapan.
      People who speak Mandarin largely speak it as a first language (900 million). In comparison to this only 190 million people speak Mandarin Chinese as an additional language. What is remarkable about English speakers is that the number of speakers of English as an additional language is higher than that of native speakers of English (603 and 339 million respectively).
      While the total number of Hindi speakers (490 million) is roughly equal to that of Spanish speakers (420 million); when it comes to speaking these languages as an additional language the number for Hindi is much higher (120 million) than that for Spanish (70 million).
      Native speakers of Arabic and Portuguese are similar in number with 206 million and 203 million respectively. However, the number of Arabic speakers as an additional language (24 million) is almost 2.5 times higher than speakers of Portuguese as an additional language.
Quetion Task 2 :

Model answer
      The table illustrates the performance of three different branches of a chain of restaurants in three different locations in Vancouver for the year 2016. It is evident that the best performer is the branch in Georgia Street, which with 854 transactions a day on average has at least 100 more transactions than Dunsmuir Street and more than double from Drake Street. Georgia Street is also ahead in terms of average transaction value (ATV), with $10.69 per transaction compared to Dunsmuir Street’s $5.61 and Drake Street’s $9.02.
      On average, eat-in and take-away transactions are almost equal in each restaurant, with take-away transactions ending slightly ahead in two of them. Drake Street is the only exception, with eat-in transactions surpassing take-away by 10.
      The table also gives us information about the most popular item in each branch, revealing that the eating habit of customers in each area are widely varied: Georgia Street’s best seller is Chicken Burger, while Dunsmuir Street’s customers favour Chicken Wings, and Drake Street’s customers prefer Chicken Pasta.
      Overall, it is clear that the Georgia Street’s branch is the company’s most profitable branch, with the highest number of transactions and ATV. Drake Street, on the other hand, lags far behind, despite the fact that its ATV is higher than Dunsmuir Street.
Quetion Task 3 :

Answer :
Line graph illustrates the projected population growth of China and India. X-axis depicts the year and Y-axis depicts the population in the billions. Pink color line that the populations of China while the purple line depicts the population for India.
In the early stages of 2000, there were large differences in the populations of India and China. In the following years both countries saw a steady increase in population. Although India has a maximum of 1.6 billion compared with 1.45 billion population of China. There is also an interesting tendency in the increase of China's population. It is projected that it will start to decline after 2030 after a steady increase until the same year.
Two line description of the population of the two countries intersect in 2030 which showed that the population remained the same for this year. the lowest population that India and China met was in 2000 although the number was much higher for China. The highest population would be considered at the 2050 to 2030 for India and China.
Overall India sees more serious increase in the population and show that would have difficulty in controlling the density of the population, while China will show the positive side after 2030 show a population decline.
Garis Grafik menggambarkan pertumbuhan penduduk yang diproyeksikan dari China dan India. X-axis menggambarkan tahun dan sumbu Y menggambarkan penduduk di miliaran. Garis warna Pink   menggambarkan populasi untuk China sedangkan garis warna ungu menggambarkan penduduk untuk India.
Pada tahap awal tahun 2000, ada perbedaan besar dalam populasi India dan China. Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya kedua negara melihat peningkatan yang stabil dalam populasi. Meskipun India memiliki maksimum 1,6 miliar populasi dibandingkan dengan 1,45 miliar dari China. Ada juga kecenderungan menarik dalam peningkatan penduduk China. Hal ini diproyeksikan bahwa itu akan mulai menurun setelah 2030 setelah peningkatan yang stabil sampai tahun yang sama.
Dua baris yang menggambarkan penduduk kedua negara saling berpotongan pada tahun 2030 yang menunjukkan bahwa penduduk tetap sama selama tahun ini. penduduk terendah bahwa India dan Cina temui adalah pada tahun 2000 meskipun jumlah itu jauh lebih tinggi untuk Cina. Populasi tertinggi akan diperhatikan pada tahun 2050 untuk India dan 2030 untuk China.
Secara keseluruhan India melihat peningkatan lebih serius dalam populasi dan menunjukkan bahwa akan mengalami kesulitan dalam mengendalikan kepadatan penduduk, sedangkan China akan menunjukkan sisi positif setelah 2030 dengan menunjukkan penurunan populasi.

Quetion Task 4 :

Answer :
The two tables contain sales data for Fairtrade tea and pineapples in 2010 and 2015, in five nations of Europe.
The first table shows low-level tea sales increasing in all five countries, albeit to widely varying degrees. In two places sales increased by the same small amount: 2.8-3 million euros in Germany, and 1.8-2 million in Norway. The increment was slightly larger in Netherlands, from 2-2.7 million euros. Meanwhile, in Austria sales doubled from 4-8 million euros. Finally, in France there was an enormous increase, from 2.5-21 million euros.
In the second table, it is Austria which stands out as buying far more Fairtrade pineapples than the other four countries. The sales figures for Austria jumped from 16-48 million euros across these five years, while in France and Netherlands sales only grew from 2-6.5 and from 1.6-5 million euros respectively. Norway and Germany showed a different pattern, with falls in pineapple sales from 2.8-2 and 3-1.9 million euros.
Comparing the two tables, it is clear that in 2010 Fairtrade tea sales ranged from 1.8-4 million euros in these five countries, while pineapple sales also mostly clustered between 1.6 and 3 million euros, with Austria the outlier at a huge 16 million euros. By 2015, sales figures for both products had risen across the board, except for Norway and Germany which recorded drops in pineapple sales.
